"" Lulu's Sandbar: I'm WELL
Welcome to my sand bar - trying to push past my boundaries and serve up humorous observations on life...

Thursday, July 15, 2010


...well, not so good actually. But as Mom was a grammar goddess, she terrorized...ummmmm, I mean she influenced entire generations to use correct grammar, and this was a particular pet peeve....when someone asks how you are, you answer politely - I'm well, thank you.

Not, I'm good. Or I suck. She really hated that.

She diagrammed - no, not diaphragmed, she was not a greinacologist - she taught hundreds of kids how to diagram sentences.

And I have to admit that I still suck at it, Mom!

So that's good.


Amber D. Mcnabb said...

teehee. How about "I'm swell"? It's a compromise. Suck and well at the same time.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hey Lulu, You've been on my mind and I'm sending positive energy your way-- maybe not in well structured sentences but your way nevertheless.

xo jj

Heather said...

Hello! I am just browsing through other blogs here on BS and thought yours was interesting :-) Maybe you could stop by & follow my writing blog!

diane said...

Hello, I think your blog is awesome too, and would like for you to follow mine. What? It's all good.

I mean well.