"" Lulu's Sandbar: Creativity...
Welcome to my sand bar - trying to push past my boundaries and serve up humorous observations on life...

Saturday, August 2, 2008


....can be defined as the experience of thinking, reacting, and working in an imaginative and idiosyncratic way which is characterized by a high degree of innovation and originality, divergent thinking, and risk taking.

This also best defines how I feel about life beyond the sandbar....especially, risk-taking.  And to experiment in many new and different types of mediums is such a great feeling.  

I'm still working on managing all of it, though - the day job, the blog, the art pieces, the start-up to the Etsy store - all take so many pieces of time away from what I think of as the creative process.  I just need to realize that the process IS the process!

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