"" Lulu's Sandbar: And don't forget that Dave Mathews is a prophet...
Welcome to my sand bar - trying to push past my boundaries and serve up humorous observations on life...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

And don't forget that Dave Mathews is a prophet...

I forgot one of the most popular search terms. Apparently, Dave has another job, writing scripture...

anyway...I think. It might be....could be....possibly...potentially, perhaps.

the bird might be gone. What's that???

the bird might be gone.

I saiiiiiddddd....

The Bird is gooooooooonnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee!!!!

Yes, indeedy. Which is so much more true that just...indeed. INDEEDY.

We've gone almost 48 hours with no bird poop on the furniture, no beak marks on the window, no disarray of the flowers.

Apparently, bird / window mating season is over, and somewhere, little birdies with fragile, glassy wings and painted wood trim legs are being hatched. Somewhere - away from me.

Because we took the nest out of the fern too - Ha!

Bird 1 Lulu 2!!


She Who Doodles said...

dave mathews a prophet? hmmmm.... but glad to hear the birds went away.

Joanna Jenkins said...

My godson is just getting into Dave Matthews-- Thank gawd, I was so sick of Miley Cyrus.

And that bird-- No bird stew, right ;-)

Glad it's gone.


Insanitykim said...

The birds sang over and over, "eat, drink and be merry...for tomorrow we'll die" just like Davy does in that song he sings about something er other...

We can finally sleep now b/c the screaming birds are gone here too...YAY!

Just another can-do-girl! said...

Lovely LuLu! I've left you a newsy-letter in your email? Did you get it? It has been soooo long, I may have an outdated email.

Do I need and updated adress?

The blog is WAY cool!

diane said...

Well, it looks like I've missed some bird mania, alas. Serves me right for being away so long.

diane said...

Hmmmm, that's odd; I know I left my comment around here somewhere. Something brilliant about bird mania I think.

diane said...

Oh, duh, man I really am s.l.o.w this morning. You have that blogger approval thing, don't you?
So, on another note, I'm going to see Sex & the City 2 with my oldest daughter today, Yea! Should I wear a dress & heels? What do you think?


Yes - wear the dress and heels - rock it!