"" Lulu's Sandbar: Ooooo...the Night Before...
Welcome to my sand bar - trying to push past my boundaries and serve up humorous observations on life...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ooooo...the Night Before...

....the biggest election in a very very long time.  Let's hope that it's fair, that all the votes are counted, and that my peeps win!  There's already been waaaaaaaaaay too much info about this election so I won't detail my choices - just please get out and vote.

You can't bitch unless you vote.

Plus, it really is very cool.  I still remember every single election I've voted in, including casting my first presidential vote, for an independent candidate (Anderson).  And then I went to Michigan State to a Jimmy Buffett concert, where the fog of illegal smoke hung so heavy over the crowd that you really had to drop, rock and roll to see anything.  Luckily, we'd just come off fire drill season, so I was ready!

Happy voting!

1 comment:

Miss Yvonne said...

Yea, Happy Election Day!!

I love that...you can't bitch unless you vote. Awesome.