I think I'm creative, even though I won't be featured in the Met anytime soon, nor will I ever hit a record number of sales with my art anytime soon.
I think I'm funny, even though I could never do standup.
I think I'm a good person, even if I have to be Corporate Lulu at work, and some people don't like it when I make them follow the plan...
I think I'm a good sibling and daughter and mom, even though my family life is challenged.
So why don't I ever post how I really feel about politics, or work or my family? Because my mom taught me that it's best really, to be nice.
Nice. Niiiiiiiice. Nissssssse. nicenicenicenice. A good girl, a nice woman. Oh Lulu? Ohhhhh...she's so so nice.
(Ummmm. Not really, but it's hard to out myself - my mom will NEVER ever see this blog, but I have that fear that someday, someone from work or family will stumble upon my little part of the sandbar and then - they'll KNOW that I'm not nice at all.)
I started this blog to find creative, funny people to talk with, and it feels as if I'm still hiding behind my nice facade, and what I have to say is so uninteresting because I'm too nice. I also started it to talk about Etsy and art and creativity and stuff, and I find myself more worried about creating ART THAT WILL SELL.
wow...the black dog is shaking me all over the room tonight!!
If only I were thin. Sighhhh...
Wait - that's another post entirely.
Happy Sunday anyway! Amazing Race is on tonight, so maybe a good dose of reality TV will cheer me up.