Exchange with my very nice, extremely smart doctor:
Dr. Smarty: "Huh. Yup, you have kind of a rash there, on your elbow."
Lulu: "Yeah, and it really feels like I was bitten-"
Dr. Smarty: "Nope."
Lulu: "Yes, I felt a stingi-"
Dr. Smarty: "Nope."
Lulu: "But I felt like a stinging and I slapped my arm and then-"
Dr. Starting to be Irritating Smarty: "Uhhhh no."
Lu Starting to be Irritated Lu: "STOP with the noping!!! I'm still pretty new to the SOUTH and I KNOW there are brown recluse spiders and this friend of mine got bitten in Maryland one time and he didn't notice it right awaaaaaay! And his wife had to takehimtotheERandhealmost DIEEEEEEEEEEEED!"
*Breathing hard, still holding elbow up for inspection, starting to sweat (although that could just be a hot flash, different doctor need altogether) and glaring at Dr. Irritating McSmartyPants*
Dr IMSP: "It's not spider bites."
Panicking Lulu: (gasp gasp) "What?"
Voice starting to echo in my head: "It's its not not not spider bites bites..."
Panic rising Lulu: "Is it a TICK?? DO I HAVE LYME DISEASE!!?? Do I have malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, Japanese B encephalitis, filariasis, leishmaniasis, chagas disease(caused by ASSASIN BUGS!) typhus or the PLAGUE???????!!!!"
Voice of James Earl Jones coming from overhead: "Luuuuuuulu. I'm not your faaaaathuh and you DO NOT have ANY BUG BITE DISEASE AT ALL!! Stop reading WebMD!"
Lulu: "Oh."
Red-faced Lulu: (mumbling). "Then ahhh. It's just a rash, right? No big deal? (nervous chuckle) Just - it'll go away, right?"
Dr. McSmartyPants: "Yeah, it's fine. YOU'll be fine. It will go away."
Dr. Smirking McSmartyPants: "Unless it's mosaic farookas."
(Yeah, bet he'll need some 'topical ointment' now too - for that stab wound I gave him with the tongue depressor....)
Enjoy a bug-free weekend!!