But no one seems to be in a good place. Seriously - no one seems to be happy or even just content.
Is it the weather? The dismal economy? The fear that seems to be hanging over all, the fear of losing what we have that keeps us from taking risks? The continued media harping on the nonexistent feud between Jennijohn and Brangelina? Being happy for Kate Winslet while being over her at the same time? The "can't look but can't look away from the car crash" that is the Octuplet Mom?
Ok, I'm being a bit facetious. I know that people are genuinely down and depressed and a bit flat, and I certainly have my moments. In fact, I don't talk about those moments - many of them at Huge McNormous - specifically because I'm a bit fearful and superstitious and careful.
But to all of my blogger friends - and I think you all know who you are - I'm reading and I care about you and hope for the best for all y'all. I might not always comment - although I intend to start doing so much more often - but I hear you. Hang in....